Merchant passport issuance procedure

If you have a web-site where you want to accept WebMoney automatically via Merchant interface or issue invoices (Interfaces X1/X4) then you need to obtain a merchant passport.

Users who have an Initial passport and higher passport can also receive funds via Web Merchant Interface, but only in limited mode.

The procedure for receiving a merchant passport is as follow:

1 Obtain a personal passport.

2 Submit a request for registering your website in the Megastock Online catalogue.

To do so go to the website, click the "Add" link and follow further instructions.
During registration the personal data specified in your passport must have the URL of your website which must be specified and verified by WebMoney Transfer. If the website you register is different from the one specified and verified in your passport you need to go through the same verification procedure during the registration process. In case you intend to get a Merchant passport, but for some reason you do not want to publish your website in the Megastock catalogue you still need to submit a request. Registration in the catalogue is optional and during the registration process you will be able to cancel it.

3 Wait until the moderator processes your request.
After processing you will get a notification via e-mail and internal WM Keeper mail.

To see how to receive a merchant passport click here