Changing of surname, name or patronymic

Please be reminded that according to the Agreement on Property Rights Transfer by Means of Digital Units each user of WebMoney Transfer undertakes to "provide true identification data during registration on the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System" and inform us in good time should it change.

Translation into another language

Translation of the surname, name or patronymic is made only in Russian or English.

  1. create a ticket to the Verification Center (be sure to specify your WMID);
  2. attach to the ticket a color photocopy of the passport page with the correct translation.

Correcting a typo

Only minor errors are corrected (missing or incorrect 1-2 letters).

  1. create a ticket to the Verification Center (be sure to specify your WMID);
  2. attach to the ticket a color photocopy of the passport page with your photo and signature.

Changing intentionally distorted data

  1. Register a new WM identifier (WMID) in the system.
  2. Get a newly registered WMID personal passport from any registrar.
  3. Get the form Request by a natural person to change WebMoney Transfer system user registration information If you are unable to obtain the application form yourself, please contact the verification centre for assistance
  4. Print the application and fill it out strictly in accordance with the rules (listed in the annex to the application).
  5. Assure at the notary your signature on this application, if you send it by post mail.
  6. Provide the application to the verification center in person or send it by registered mail (without declared value).
  7. File a lawsuit to arbitration "Challenging the rights to own a WM-ID"

Changing name at marriage or after divorce

  1. create a ticket to the Verification Center (be sure to specify your WMID);
  2. attach to the ticket a color photocopy of the passport page with your photo and signature;
  3. attach to the ticket a photocopy of the document confirming the change of name:
    • certificate of marriage
    • certificate of dissolution of marriage

Changing a surname (name) at own will

  1. create a ticket to the Verification Center (be sure to specify your WMID);
  2. attach to the ticket a color photocopy of the passport page with your photo and signature;
  3. attach to the ticket a photocopy of the document confirming the change of name:
    • certificate of change of surname (name)